Academic Work

Academic Work

Academic Work

Scientific interests

My scientific interests have evolved. Decision-making mechanisms were, however, the factor that always motivated me in my search from mathematical economics, through variation calculus on differentiable manifolds to mathematical methods of supporting decision-makers in interactive (conversational) mode and group decisions (negotiations). I am in favor of building decision theory and its practical applications through integrated derivation from the principles of basic sciences such as economics, psychology and mathematics with computer science. Hence, my works include both economic threads and decision-making methods and procedures, introducing to traditional rigorous models the subjective perception of the decision situation (interactive approach), its uncertain description (fuzzy sets) or recently – attempts to model intuition and unconscious knowledge. The second common factor in research is my willingness to work in teams – with colleagues from university and from abroad, PhD students and students. I think there is no other way today for interesting results and an equally effective idea for development.


The consequence of such specific interests is a growing turn to practice, which I deal with more than ever. Two trends are the hottest – supporting educational processes by introducing their extensive economic and institutional analysis and mathematical decision models with non-classical interpretations of subjective and implicit factors.


I am the author / co-author of six books, as well as – over 100 articles and conference papers in the field of decision analysis methods in economics and management, including negotiations, management of educational processes and privacy economics. They were also included on the Philadelphia list. I am also a scientific co-editor of the volumes of Annals of Operations Research, by Palgrave Macmillan and Springer. My achievements for organizational, scientific and didactic achievements were honored with rector and ministerial awards, I also received the prestigious three-year subsidy „Master” of the Foundation for Polish Science for researching educational processes and the prestigious Canadian Executive MBA Program award for „excellency in teaching”.



    Warsaw School of Economics

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    +(48) 22 564 9256

    +(48) 601 374 210